Brain Podium


Personal Skills

Personal Skills are those concerned with how people manage and express themselves. These skills are the strengths, abilities and attributes.

Interpersonal Skills

Interpersonal Skills are the qualities and behaviours a person uses to interact with others. It refers to the employee’s ability to work well with others and enjoy better working relationships.

Leadership Skills

Leadership Skills are the abilities to lead through influence, rather than authority, where qualities of strong coaching, emotional intelligence, effective communication, negotiation and consensus building skills are shown.

Learning Skills

Learning Skills are the most sought after quality and ability in a person to be aware of the need for effective learning throughout life and making sure to keep the mind open to learning from new experiences.

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Presentation Skills

Presentation Skills are the skills you need in delivering effective and engaging presentations to a variety of audiences in different industries.

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Employability Skills

Employability Skills are the skills, qualities and attitudes that employers seek are essential for their workplace.

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